wholeworldinhishands.com - Pro Life Information Abortion Statics - Against Abortion

Description: Detailed information concerning Arguments Against Abortion are profound. See statistics about abortion. Pro Life News and abortion pro and con information for research papers. The Bible provides Pro Life information by Citizens against abortion.

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Abortion Statistics in the United States Did you know that abortion statistics show that the Planned Parenthood is the world's largest abortion provider and in the Untied States. Since California has not complied with the Center for Disease Control CDC requests for abortion data in many years, and since California accounts for more abortions than any other state in the U.S, CDC totals are routinely incomplete, and estimates are at best a guest. Abortion statistics are incomplete and filled with a lot of gue

Arguments against abortion bring you the solid convincing information. The data clearly reflects tremendous consequences for taking the life of the unborn. For those who have done this, good news, Jesus is willing to forgive those who have asked for repentance.

Always remember our Biblical mandate, Thou shalt not kill, Exodus 20:13, or Thou shalt not murder, which is one of the Ten Commandments. Pro Life Rights Pro-Life Christians have the rights of Free Speech also. We have concerns. WAY FM

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