whxykj.net - 开云·买球(中国)官方网站

Description: 开云培养了一个包容的社区,理解,与和平,基于我们的价值基础,尊严,和每个人的潜能.阿维拉的布坎南和平与非暴力倡议是我们校园如何将这些价值观付诸行动的光辉榜样.

开云 (2161) 买球 (525)

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拥有60多个学术项目, 忠诚的教师队伍, and successful alumni doing meaningful work in the world, Avila will prepare you for success.

From the Thornhill Gallery to the Goppert Theatre, to the new, 16,000 sq. ft. Goppert Performing Arts Center, the arts are thriving across campus.

奖励超过6美元.3 million in scholarships and financial aid last year, 98% of first-year students received aid.

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