whycharactermatters.org - The Character Skills Snapshot Registration | Admission.org

Description: Register for the Character Skills Snapshot, an innovative private school admission assessment from The Enrollment Management Association, creator of the SSAT.

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Register / Log In Donate SSAT.org Log In Middlesex School (MA) Be Unique With the Character Skills Snapshot The Character Skills Snapshot is the missing piece of the private school admissions puzzle. A holistic measure of student preferences, attitudes, and beliefs toward seven character skills, the Snapshot complements standardized tests such as the SSAT by helping admission teams get to know who your child is in addition to what they know—letting their uniqueness shine.

Hundreds of schools use the Snapshot throughout their enrollment processes to ensure a student-centered approach to admissions. Simply inquire with a school’s admissions office to learn if they’d appreciate seeing your child’s report.

The Snapshot is much more than an admission assessment tool. Teachers and advisors use it to understand students better to best support them on their academic journey.