wiedzanasbawi.pl - Kroužky a tábory pro děti VĚDA NÁS BAVÍ

Description: Chceš odhalit jak funguje svět a zažít spoustu zábavy? Pořádáme vědecké kroužky pro děti, příměstské tábory i rodinné a firemní akce na míru po celé ČR

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Scientists noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century. By the end of World War II knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Today on average human knowledge is doubling approximately every year. We require our children to learn faster about many more subjects than we did when we were growing up. And, we expect our schools to manage this for us.  Unfortunately,  the school system is not prepared and is slow to adapt. Whereas online programs are part of the solution, we believe t

We focus on the development of study programs, curricula and tools that help teachers and parents to master modern teaching practices and needs of contemporary children. Our projects are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Interactive and entertaining camps and circles for children to learn about the secrets of science in a playful and entertaining way, and try what it is like to become a little scientist for a while.

Links to wiedzanasbawi.pl (3)