wildliferanchtexas.com - Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch | Drive Thru Safari | Texas

Description: Enjoy a 500-acre, six-mile, drive-thru safari featuring 40+ species from around the world. Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch is home to giraffes, cheetahs, rhinos, zebras, exotic species of antelope, primates, & more!

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Travel the Safari Drive-Thru in the comfort of your own vehicle.  Over 40 species from all over the world roam rolling hills, meandering creek beds and amongst  magnificent live oak trees on this scenic, historic 450 acre Texas Hill Country ranch.   The safari trek covers over 6 miles and takes 1-2 hours to travel.  Admission offers multiple trips through the safari as every trek offers different adventures in the free roaming environment.  Feeding optionals are available upon entrance along with ticket tha

Safari Adventure tours will offer visitors a guided tour on NBWR’s Safari Adventure Trek. Our official adventure guides are our animal specialists who work in a hands-on environment to see to the care of the animals every day. Our Safari Adventure Trek Tours provide a venue for enhanced experiences as guides will offer fun and interesting facts about our animals, management and heritage to give you a whole new perspective on our African Safari, Texas Style. We focus on species that have a conservation need.

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