willaston-np.org.uk - Willaston Neighbourhood Plan

Description: Willaston Neighbourhood Plan.

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On the 7th December 2017, the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan was subject to a local referendum which returned an overwhelming (95.3%)vote in favour of using the Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan to decide planning applications within the Willaston Neighbourhood Area. Upon declaration of this result the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the statutory development plan for Cheshire East Council. The Willaston Neighbourhood Plan and its associated documents are available to view on the Willast

Anyone with an interest in our Neighbourhood Plan can tell the Group what they think about the Plan or arrange to talk to the Group. You can leave a message or make an appointment to speak to the Group for a short time, before one of our regular meetings. Please go to the ‘Contact us’ page .

One of the first tasks of the group was to decide the area that the plan would cover and to submit that to Cheshire East who then organised consultation over a six week period. The area chosen was the Willaston parish area and that has now been designated by Cheshire East as the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan area.

Links to willaston-np.org.uk (1)