williamgardiner.com - William Gardiner

Description: Website of Australian composer William Gardiner.

music (53701) film (21170) composer (4773) contemporary (4666) vr (3378) electronic (2927) classical (2276) visual (2159) composition (1540) experimental (1098)

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William Gardiner is an Australian composer of acoustic and electronic music. Characterized by a fierce attention to sonic detail, his musical approach has been shaped as much by growing up in a harpsichord-containing household in rural Australia as by a later obsession with recorded music; inspiration ranges from the sensitivity of the clavecinistes of the French baroque to the saturated electronics of Oneohtrix Point Never. His musical voice has been described as “emotional without emotions, and utterly sp

His diverse output ranges from a cello concerto, commissioned in 2017 by John Adams , one of the world’s most celebrated living composers, to pieces for chamber ensembles, amplified instruments, and purely electronic work. In 2019, his projects included electronically re-composing elements of the German romantic opera Der Freischütz for a radical amplified reinterpretation by Heartbeat Opera , reviewed by the New York Times as a ‘Critic’s Pick’. Upcoming work includes a commission from the Sydney Symphony O

In composition studies at the Yale School of Music, Gardiner was mentored primarily by David Lang , also working individually with Martin Bresnick and Aaron Jay Kernis. Gardiner began his studies at the University of Sydney, completing arts and law degrees. In addition to formal studies, he has worked in electronic music composition with Ben Frost at Bedroom Community /Greenhouse Studios in Reykjavik, Iceland, with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts, and he was a fellow in composition at the