williammartinez.org domain details

Description: William Eliu Martinez - honorable and honest El Salvador congressman wrongfully accused by his renters who turned out to be drug smugglers

el salvador (317) wrongfully accused (3) william martinez (1) william eliu martinez (1)

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Here you will find information about the real and Honorable William Eli ú Martinez - a man widely known for his good nature, generosity, and kindness.  There are plenty of accusations about him on the internet, while he has not been able to speak or defend himself, or bring witnesses on his behalf to trial.  Now, for the first time, here is a web site where the truth about his good nature can come out.  William is a devoted family man, with two daughters living in San Salvador, the capital city of El Salvad

William Martinez spoke out in the El Salvador Legislative Assembly against sending El Salvador troops to Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bush Administration falsely accused him, to discourage other legislators from opposing wars, by showing they can arrest anyone for anything, anywhere.

William owned real estate properties including a hotel, a sea side property, and a boat. His tenants told William they were using the boat for their fishing business. El Salvador Police caught the tenants using the boat to smuggle drugs and arrested them. The El Salvador Police did not charge or arrest William for what his tenants had done.

Links to williammartinez.org (3)