- The Armor of God | Discover Ministries

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Reasons Why We Need This Study There is a mighty spiritual war raging all around us. You have sensed it, felt it, and hoped it wasn’t quite so real. It’s all happening; right here, right now, in YOUR life. David Skeba reveals why your life and the world are the way they are and how you can change them for the better.

The Bible says we share this planet with evil spiritual powers whose leader is Satan . We are born into a world where we find ourselves caught in the midst of Satan’s war against God’s kingdom. We have become the targets. We are the prize. The battle is for our very souls—and for the glory of God!

We also are born with a sinful nature , an enemy within, and into a world system that is indifferent and in opposition to both the will and glory of God. The world attracts and appeals to our sinful nature and competes with God for the possession of our hearts.