wirecalifornia.org - Wire California – Universal Access to Middle-Mile Fiber for Wired Broadband

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Broadband via Fiber Optics & only calls/texts via Wireless

View our Sept 18, 2021 pitch to Gov. Newsom via Zoom .

California State Public Health Officer — Tomás J. Aragón , M.D., Dr. P.H., well knows that ALEC-written † SB.556, AB.537 & SB.378 eliminates most local control over street light poles, traffic signal poles, utility poles and conduit in our public rights-of-way, which is an unnecessary “taking” of property to maximize Big Wireless PROFITS at the expense of communities — without even being technology-neutral OR doing anything effective to close the Digital Divide. Since 2019 , Dr. Aragón has been very close t

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