wirelessriskassessment.org - Example Risk Assessment for Schools and other workplaces

Description: Home Page for Wireless Risk Assessment. Schools are expected to carry out a risk assessment before any new technologies are introduced or used.

education (20094) school (12994) college (4185) university (3786) wireless (3394) schools (2513) assessment (1788) risk (1189) pre-school (783) workplace (588)

Example domain paragraphs

Technologies which emit radiofrequency signals are commonly used in schools and other workplaces.  Concerns have been expressed by scientists and doctors about the possible harmful effects which the signals may be having on our health, based on scientific evidence.  Of particular concern are the possible effects on foetal development and on children and young people.

Under the UK Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999 or 2000 (NI)), employers need to carry out a risk assessment for any potential hazards in the workplace.  Schools in the UK are expected to carry out a risk assessment before any new technologies are introduced or used. 

An example risk assessment for schools and other workplaces is provided on page 2 .  This is a working document and feedback is welcomed.

Links to wirelessriskassessment.org (1)