wirewrap.biz - Wire Wrap Jewelry

Description: Wire wrap jewelry, wire wrap pendants, wire wrap earrings - Created in sterling sliver and gold filled. Own a 3-D Sculpture in Wire and Semiprecious Gemstone. Each unique piece of jewelry is created from the language of the stone itself, flowing into the wire wrapped form.

original jewelry (10) wire wrap jewelry (8) semi precious gemstone (6) wirewrapped (2) wire wrap pendants (1) wire wrap earrings (1) sculpture in wire (1)

Example domain paragraphs

. I started making jewelry about 13 years ago. I was working in configuration management for Boeing on the Space Station program at MSFC in Huntsville, Alabama. At the begining it was a means of stress relief. It is very detailed work, requiring my total concentration, allowing me to relax. My first works were very crude forms with the wire just holding the stone. I bought a book, "Moods in Wire", and used several of the ideas in that book. We own the Dream Maker in Huntsville, Alabama, and as part of that

I am including links on this page to my shopping cart at dreammakershop.com so if you like you can see the original jewelry that is forsale.

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