wjongeneel.nl - Almost Surely Investigations in Optimal Control and Dynamical Systems,

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Hi, in January 2020 I started as a EE PhD student at EPFL , as part of the NCCR Automation , in the Risk Analytics & Optimization group lead by Daniel Kuhn . Before moving to Lausanne, I studied Systems & Control in Delft with Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani . This page functions as a (web)log of results I find interesting. Feel free to reach me in case of any hints, tips, tricks, mistakes, ideas or any other comment.

Quote of the month (June 2023) ‘‘ The ultimate goal would be to prove instability in our own solar system. “I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it,” Clarke said. “I would say that would be the real dream, but it would be a nightmare, wouldn’t it? Because we’d be screwed.” Clarke 2023

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