womanslaptop.com - Woman’s Laptop

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*Introduction **Current Gossip ***Work

* Hello and Welcome to: The website of Johanna Ehde A graphic designer based in Amsterdam Part of Rietlanden Women’s Office For design related inquiries please forward a message to the following address, email or phone: Minahassastraat 1 1094 RS Amsterdam, NL johannaehde(a)gmail.com NL +31 (0) 616 70 64 70 ** ✽ The latest issue of Girls Like Us magazine is set in WL typefaces Menopause and High, light, shrill. ✽ Read The Women's Office interview about the work with MsHeresies #2 on the Walker Art Center web

*** Website—Josefina Anjou, Jan. 2021 Design and programming of website for artist Josefina Anjou . WL typeface Menopause in use for years, name, and links. Image JA.1 Image JA.2 Poster Design—Younwon Sohn and Lana Murdochy, Jul. 2020 Second edition of tear-off poster for Linking Scenery , a sound piece and intimate conversation between the two artists. Image LS2.1 Image LS2.2 Typefaces and type text— Girls Like Us #12 , Jan. 2020 WL typefaces High, light, shrill and Menopause are in use throughout the 12th

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