wondersoftransylvania.com - Find out more about the 7 Wonders of Transylvania

Description: Let us tell you the reasons why you should visit Transylvania, and see for yourself which "wonders" do you think are worthy of your time.

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“We are in Transylvania, and Transylvania is not England. Our ways are not your ways, and there shall be to you many strange things. Nay, from what you have told me of your experiences already, you know something of what strange things there may be. “ Bram Stoker

The “7 Wonders of Transylvania”  project is a joint initiative between Transindex and goTransylvania, during which in May 2017, our first campaign offered a platform for choosing these 7 Wonders of this region, gathering more than 20.000 votes. But the focus wasn't on the 7 final selections but on the promotion and pesentation of all the candidates. Our goal isn't creating a competition, but presenting values without having any interest in the final outcome. Obviously, Transylvania doesn't simply have 7, no

1 1550 votes The Red Lake and the Bicaz Gorge Nature 2 1484 votes Lake Sfânta Ana Nature 3 1004 votes Turda Gorge Nature 4 992 votes Piatra Secuiului (lit. "Rock of the Szeklers") Nature 5 885 votes Mineral Water Springs and Mofettes of Szeklerland Nature 6 879 votes Virgin Mary Statue of the Pilgrimage Church History - Traditions 7 876 votes Sovata – Bear Lake Nature View all wonders

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