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Nothing works better as travel knitting for me than a nice and simple pair of socks. Last week I got to spend a few days in Iceland for a conference, and a last minute sock cast on was made to keep me company.

Pattern: Winters Frost socks by This Handmade Life Yarn: Superwash merino sock yarn by Samelin Dyeworks 

I’m going to  have very little to say about these socks, which is not at all a reflection about how much I like them. But very simply put, I love the yarn, it was very great to work with and the colours are giving me a very summer-y vibe. And the pattern is an incredibly simple lace repeat, no thinking required. So this was exactly what I needed, a simple yet pretty sock, that I could pick up on the plane or whenever I needed it, and just being able to add a few rows whenever I wanted. I know myself, and I