word-detective.com - The Word Detective

Description: The Word Detective on the Web is the online version of The Word Detective, a newspaper column answering readers’ questions about words and language. The Word Detective is written by Evan Morris and appears in finer newspapers in the U.S., Mexico and Japan.

information (8168) humor (2924) language (2109) words (1488) bingo (1331) dictionary (801) investigation (611) detective (469) true story (63) word origins (9)

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Search The Word Detective and our family of websites: This is the easiest way to find a column on a particular word or phrase.

To search for a specific phrase, put it between quotation marks. (note: JavaScript must be turned on in your browser to view results.)

Puzzled by Posh? Confounded by Cattycorner? Baffled by Balderdash? Flummoxed by Flabbergast? Perplexed by Pandemonium? Nonplussed by... Nonplussed? Annoyed by Alliteration?

Links to word-detective.com (15)