- World Arbitration Update

Description: The World Arbitration Update (WAU) will update the global community on key and novel topics of investment and international commercial arbitration, and public international law in a decentralized forum.

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Rigorous and remarkable counsel, arbitrators and academics are living and practicing beyond the centers of international arbitration. There are large, medium, and boutique firms, as well as solo practitioners, actively advancing international arbitration and public international law in non-traditional venues in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

After two incredible editions,  the World Arbitration Update made a significant impact in five continents updating on topics of investment and commercial arbitration and decentralizing international arbitration around the globe. Since its first edition, WAU has had a total of 34 panels with 186 speakers , over 1600 attendees and over   6,000 registrations .  

With VOICICA, an automatic video transcription tool, watch all of WAU’s and Washington Arbitration Week’s (WAW) panels here.

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