- Current Local Date and Time of world in Asia, Europe, America, Antartica etc, World Date and Time Now

Description: Current local time of world. Get world's local time and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore world's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset etc.

real (5059) accurate (250) atomic (192) time zones (65) time zone (55) timezone (33) daylight saving (5) local time (4) city time (4) international time (1)

Example domain paragraphs is particularly useful:

The Internet can bring you closer to the world, but with time zones and daylight saving time rules, World Date Time is here to help you by providing accurate date and time information when you need it! World Date Time shows current date and time in continents, countries, cities and places in all time zones, automatically adjusted for local Daylight Saving Time rules. Convert date and time from one location to another. You can also compare timezones and plan a meeting or a phonecall. is not responsible for any damages or problems caused by this service and we do not guarantee that date and time here is 100% correct.