- World Help Lines Hotlines & Suicide Lifelines for Kids Teens & Women

Description: Up to date Hotlines & Helplines and Resources for: Suicide, Child Abuse, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Runaways, Rape, Domestic Abuse, LGBT, Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia), Self-Esteem, Body Image, Teen Pregnancy, Self-Injury (cutting), Sex, Drugs, Peer Pressure, Puberty, Family problems, Depression, Anxiety, Bad Grades. Or just because Kids or Teens need someone to talk to, ask advice or help for any problem you are facing.

depression (5969) suicide (493) child abuse (279) sexual abuse (268) neglect (81) sadness (68) emotional abuse (56) physical abuse (54) hotlines (14) helplines (3)

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World Help Lines Hotlines & Suicide Lifelines for Kids Teens & Women | Kids in Trouble Help - A Kids & Teens Help Guide to: Child Abuse, Depression, Suicide, Runaway and Bullying Resources | Contact Us

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