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Example domain paragraphs

E vangelism? Mention that word and it usually creates a sense of guilt or dread. Most of us are afraid of evangelism. We often hear pastors in church tell us that Jesus commands us to share the good news. Then we either feel guilty. We know we haven’t done it. Or maybe we dread it because we’re not sure how to do it. We definitely don’t want to do it wrong, like this funny video from Jason Powell!

M y wife warned me that before we start a sermon series, God usually gives us opportunities to put into practice what we’re studying. And this series has been no exception. We’ve been doing a sermon series on Conflict and it’s lead to a ton of great conversations as well as some difficult opportunities to grow.

Conflict, according to Robert Jones who wrote Pursuing Peace, is inevitable because we’re all sinners, sinful because it goes against God’s design, and an opportunity that should be seized because God can work all things for our good and his glorious purposes. The bible is full of great teaching on how God deals with conflict. Jesus (God in flesh) also gave us a ton of teaching on it, as well as beautifully illustrated conflict resolution in his life.

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