wrestleague.com - wrestleague.com

Description: Youth League Wrestling Website System. From pre-season to final tournament and beyond, we have a system designed to allow you to control your league and communicate better.

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Wrestleague is an online based youth wrestling system designed to manage an entire season of wrestling. From communication to scoring and seeding. In a nutshell it is over a decade of deveopment and refinement in one comprehensive package designed specifically for wrestling.

Way back in 2004 there was a need to have a better way. My involvment started in a wrestling league where the information was manually being recorded for 600 plus wrestlers. It was literally compiled in a giant ledger like you would see in days of old. About the only thing missing was a quill pen. I set out to help that one guy make his life easier and so it began. Presented on this page is the umteenth version of a site that has been utilized in NJ for years by a handful of leagues. Like a tv episode, peop

Keith Inglin

Links to wrestleague.com (2)