wrhi.ac.za - WITS RHI Research Institute

Description: WITS RHI is a renowned research institute that specialises in HIV/TB, sexual and reproductive health, vaccine and infectiou % s diseases.

research (9020) prevention (1111) hiv (817) wits (32) srh (16) sexual reproductive health (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Established in 1994, Wits RHI is part of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the largest research institute of the University of the Witwatersrand.

We lead and deliver successful research projects with an impact in the communities we serve. We have leveraged our presence internationally in initiatives to curb the impact of COVID-19 in South Africa.

Our research agenda prioritises the intersection of SRH and introduction of HIV related SRH technologies and services.

Links to wrhi.ac.za (8)