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Condensation usually occurs from October through to April, depending on weather conditions, and it can lead, in some instances to damp and mould growth, but not always. Condensation occurs when water vapour (airborne moisture) hits a cold surface; water vapour is naturally created all day and night from the general activities of those who live in the home, it is a natural process through our everyday activities.

A kitchen or bathroom where more water vapour is produced (from cooking, the shower, bath etc), may be warm enough to remain free from the effects of condensation, except perhaps on cold windows and other cold surfaces such as tiles. If this water vapour moves throughout the home into the colder, less heated spaces, condensation will occur in these areas. We usually see condensation on windows in the mornings.

Try to make sure you have adequate heating on in your home (low level heating will assist in keeping wall temperatures warmer). Ventilate – try to open some windows, even a small gap will make sure you have ‘air changes’ in your home (air changes will keep the water vapour lower, reducing the likelihood of condensation happening). If you get condensation, manage it by wiping it dry every morning, so your windows are dry. This will reduce the likelihood of mould appearing.