wxtelescopicmast.com - China Lighting Tower Manufacturers, Camera Tower Suppliers, Telescopic Mast Factory - DINGTEPET

Description: Wuxi Dingtepet Technology Co., Ltd.: We're professional lighting tower, camera tower, telescopic mast, telescopic mast accessories manufacturers and suppliers in China. If you're going to buy customized lift pole products at competitive price, welcome to get more information from our factory.

lighting tower (19) telescopic mast (4) camera tower (1) telescopic mast accessories (1) foldable light tower (1)

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years experience

Dingtepet it is a professional company specializing in the research and development and production of lift pole products. It is closely related to the 709 Research Institute and the 704 Research Institute. Aerospace Research Institute, Special Vehicle Research Institute, etc. After years of development and experience in participating in the development of new domestic military equipment systems, various types of lifting rod products are now being introduced to the market.

It is one of the earliest professional companies in China to manufacture lifting equipment; The company has the most advanced aluminum tube precision deep processing equipment and aluminum tube surface oxidation treatment equipment in China.

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