xeraa.net - Philipp Krenn

Description: 🎩 of DevRel & Developer 🥑 @ Elastic, talking about Elasticsearch, Kibana, search, observability, security.

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twitter Mastodon linkedin mail info Hi. I'm Philipp Krenn . A developer 🥑 , conference speaker , meetup organizer , podcast guest , book author , and Google Summer of Code participant from Vienna (Austria) .

First things first — what is xeraa ? If you rotate the letters of my last name krenn by 13 places (ROT13) , the result is xeraa:

k → x r → e e → r n → a n → a Work # I live to demo interesting technology. Having worked as a web, infrastructure, and database engineer for over ten years, I am now working as a developer advocate ( 🥑 ) and EMEA team lead at Elastic  — the company behind the Elastic Stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. I am constantly traveling Europe and beyond to speak and discuss open source software, search, databases, infrastructure, and security.