xiaobo-liu.github.io - Xiaobo Liu - Homepage

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Research Associate in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester

Hello. I am a Research Associate in the Numerical Linear Algebra Group at The University of Manchester, working with Prof. Nicholas J. Higham . I completed my PhD in June 2022 in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester under the supervision of Prof. Nicholas J. Higham and Prof. Françoise Tisseur .

My main research interests are in Numerical Analysis and Numerical Linear Algebra, including the design, development, and analysis of numerical algorithms (possibly) utilizing mixed precision arithmetic. During my PhD I particularly focused on the computation of matrix functions in arbitrary precision arithmetic, but I have been keen to broaden my research horizons and study other important kernels in scientific computing, such as linear systems, least squares problems, matrix decompositions, and matrix equ

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