xiax.com - xiax solutions gmbh :: Interdisciplinary research and development

Description: xiax is specialised in the design of production software systems for businesses that serve millions of clients. Application areas are telecommunication, internet, payment systems and the internet of things / m2m.

software (33925) mobile (13156) payment (1053) m2m (264) remittance (101) top up (78) vows (70) business critical (4) voucher management system (2) high available infrastructure (1)

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We live bridging between strategy management and technology. We survey pervasive computing technology from the transistor level up to distributed large-scale systems. With that unique interdisciplinary combination, we can make the right decisions and let you focus on your business.

Most software systems are overengineered but still lack quality. Complexity blurs effectivity and leads to cost, quality and dependency issues. We are convinced that productive software has to follow your strategy and leverage your specific strengths. Our approach elevates your market position and preserves agility.

User experience is directly linked to your brand image. It is business critical that user experience is managed beyond just good weather situations. Outages are a reality. We know how to deal with complexity, insufficient software quality and unreliable communication channels. Talk to us to start protecting your brand image.

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