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Description: 奥克兰新雁影像由第九届中国人像摄影十杰张雁鸿摄影师创办。 张雁鸿摄影师从事摄影行业近三十年,擅长儿童摄影,孕妈咪,新生儿,亲子和家庭纪实摄影,以自然光为主,拍摄风格朴实自然纯真有趣,以新颖的创意及高超的技艺,用镜头记录孩子真实的童年、温馨的家庭、热爱的故乡。张雁鸿环球旅拍过四十多个国家,拍摄过的家庭遍布海内外。 新雁影像的服务宗旨是为顾客提供一个愉快的拍摄体验,拍摄是小朋友一家和摄影师一起进行的亲子活动。以纪实手法为主,用自然光记录孩子真实有趣的童年时光。 好照片需要时间!一张可以传承下去、最能展现孩子真实状态的优秀作品,可能需要半天一天,甚至一周的时间。新雁影像重视拍摄前的准备工作,提前沟通拍摄前的各种准备事项,摄影师根据孩子的性格和兴趣爱好做拍摄方案。摄影师在拍摄中需要根据光线和环境布置场景,和孩子熟悉,拍摄中和孩子进行有趣的互动,整个拍摄过程欢乐有趣。 奥克兰洋人摄影机构与华人摄影机构众多,拍摄风格多样价格高低悬殊很大,新雁影像努力为新西兰华人家庭提供优质的摄影作品及实惠的价格服务。

family photography (926) maternity photography (317) children photography (159)

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Yanhong Zhang, devoted her life to portrait photography, started her career of photography in 1994.    She specializes in family, children, maternity photography and much more. Yanhong have been traveling more than 40 countries to take photos for tens of thousands of children around the world since 2013.  The style of her photography is real and candid emotions, genuine and natural fun, off the cuff personal moments, and epic images

Yanhong, who was the only one children photographer in Chinese delegation ,  attended the annual conference and exhibition of Photographic Society of America (PSA) in San Antonio in January, 2007. Yanhong became the first senior portrait photographer of Kodak traveling photographer in China in 2017.  She won Top ten best photographer of China photography award in 2019.

Yanhong uses natural light to capture the most genuine and memorable moments of your life with places such as, your home, parks near you, the streets that you are familiar with, landmarks of the city, kindergarten, schools or other places you have spent.