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What an amusing coincidence. The dust has barely settled after the Apple’s mishap with extraneous goto fail; in OpenSSL (used widely by OSX and iOS), that made it ripe for exploits, before we’ve heard another similar story. This time it was about multiple goto cleanup; statements that comprised a vulnerability in GnuTLS , a rough equivalent of OpenSSL on various Linux distributions.
That goto ! Everyone warns it cannot be trusted, it shouldn’t be used, it’s basically the work of the devil. Yet, some people just don’t listen, and we can witness firsthand all the woes that befall them. Will it serve as a warning for the others? Can we hope for at least this much?…
The answer is no. Not only we can’t, but also shouldn’t . Despite what many would proclaim , these two fiascoes are hardly about the goto statement. It’s very tempting, of course, to pigeonhole them into that box, but the truth is just more complex than that.