Description: XIOS/3 leverages and increases the benefits of code and open source by facilitating code reusability, faster time-to-market & improved user experience of web applications, while lowering development & deployment costs.
development (16875) javascript (14878) open source (4644) saas (3565) xml (3265) digital transformation (1967) frontend (1591) enterprise software (192) edge computing (90)
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XIOS/3 enables you to leverage any web code into reusable building blocks that are always intelligently compatible. Utilize open source components or your favorite JavaScript framework, but relieve yourself from reinventing the wheel in each project.
Once you have all the components you need, XIOS/3 relieves you from even more work by enabling you to put all your building blocks together into apps using declarative markup. Build powerful and edge-enabled web apps as easy as you would build a website.