xoocity.com - XOOCITY, a CitiFi Hong Kong metaverse community, Metaverse Hong Kong !

Description: XOOCITY is a CitiFi metaverse, presenting a local Hong Kong metaverse community in Hong Kong, providing virtual lands, virtual rooms, blockchain technology, metaverse scene construction, metaverse brand promotion, Web3 technology , web3 marketing and metaverse consulting services.

virtual land (11) virtual city (9) virtual room (5) virtual property (5) xoocity metaverse hong kong (2) hong kong metaverse (2) virtual property. (2) xoocity (1) metaverse city (1) virtual real estates (1)

Example domain paragraphs

XOOCITY is the first virtual land ownership platform of a replica mega city Hong Kong metaverse, allowing users to sell, stake, and develop NFT-based applications on it. XOOCITY replicates real cities to create a virtual world for visitors touring on attractions, skyscrapers, amusement parks, temples, landscapes as well as shops and trade expos.

For only 1000 USDT, you can obtain a Hong Kong metaverse bronze land worth 3000 USDT. Staking your land for 800 days and earn 100 XOO TOKEN per day, earning total 80000 XOO Tokens.

A total of 60000 nodes, with 2000 nodes sold in each batch. Afterwards, the price of each batch of nodes will increase by at least 100 US dollars.

Links to xoocity.com (1)