xtrememartialart.com - YESTERDAY AND TODAY KARATE

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Ashihara-karate uses scientific logic based on natural rationalism and the elimination of all unnecessary things. Traditional karate focuses on a specific technique or solely on strength. Today in society, the “real” form of karate is more necessary, where speed, strength, wit and strategy are combined. Ashihara-karate is also trying to create a special development environment for its students. If this goal is achieved, then each student has a place where he can train and improve his level. The style of Ash

When we talk about a fight in the original sense of the word, we do not begin to talk about certain organizations or tournaments, but, first of all, we mean realism in its street manifestation. Recall that this was one of the main factors that prompted us to begin the study of martial arts. Speaking of street combat, I mean a situation when you find yourself in a rather limited space – no more than a step to the left or right. This is far from the same as clown show fights in a fairly spacious ring. Believe

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