yandoor.com - Philosophy audiobooks - a comprehensive list on yandoor

Description: The online directory for philosophy audiobooks. A collection of the most important works of greek philosophy and other philosphies available as audiobooks. Our recent collection of audiobooks from Plato and the philosphy of Socrates is the most comprehensive online. We can tell you how to find more audiobooks on philosophy, how to listen to audio books and why this could be the most interesting discovery of your reader's life.

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Philosophy is one of the most beautiful subjects to read and study and audiobooks are the easiest and most pleasant way to do so. Start with our recent collection of philosphy audiobooks from Plato .

Audiobooks are the best way for you to provide yourself with knowledge, thoughts and literature. Listening to audiobooks takes only a third of the time you would spend on reading traditional books. Try some of the free audiobooks of greek philosophy

The Ancient Greek are widely understood as the first western philosophers. They gave birth to 2000 years of explorative thinking.