yaolun.github.io - Yao-Lun Yang - UVa

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I am a Research Scientist at the Star and Planet Formation Laboratory in RIKEN and a Visiting Scholar at University of Virginia, studying the kinematics and astrochemistry at the early phase of the star formation. Learn more about me at here and my research at here .

[email protected]

    I am a Research Scientist at the Star and Planet Formation Lab in RIKEN and a Visiting Scholar at at Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia. My research focuses on characterizing the kinematics, especially infall, and astrochemistry at the embedded phase of star formation. I use observations at near-infrared to sub-millimeter wavelengths with various telescopes (Spitzer, Herschel, JWST, SOFIA, ALMA, and VLA) to unveil the gas kinematics and chemical compositions. I also use radiative transfer c