ycstudio.org - Young Creators Studio – Crafty digital tools to help kids thrive in 21st century careers.

Description: Crafty digital tools to help kids thrive in 21st century careers.

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Crafty digital tools to help kids thrive in 21st century careers.

This week I stumbled upon a new opportunity to work on a Minecraft project. I’ve been letting this site languish for a while. Life happens, as they say. But this summer something interesting happened. My local school district began paying attention to Minecraft, after years of doing nothing with it. I was invited to a pilot program run in a neighborhood school and liked what I saw. There’s some new energy and personnel, maybe spurred on by the last 18 months of remote schooling for most Chicago public schoo

Anyway, here’s the tweet announcing this new build challenge, co-sponsored with UNESCO around an environmental theme.