Description: Ye Liu's personal website.
I’m a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, advised by Prof. Chang Wen Chen . Currently, I’m also an Associate at Visual Computing Group , Harvard University and a research intern at Tencent ARC Lab . Before that, I obtained my B.S. degree in Geographical Information Science and B.E. degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University . I was also a research assistant at SUNY Buffalo and CUHK-Shenzhen .
My research broadly lies in computer vision and multi-modal learning, with particular focuses on foundation models and vision-language understanding. If you are interested in working with me on related topics, please feel free to drop me an email.
I’m a third-year Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, advised by Prof. Chang Wen Chen . I’m also a research intern at ARC Lab, Tencent PCG . Before that, I obtained my B.S. degree in Geographical Information Science and B.E. degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University . I spent memorable time at Show Lab @ NUS , VCG @ Harvard , SUNY Buffalo , and CUHK-Shenzhen during my research journey.