- Hong Kong media: Mainland China’s policy direction towards Taiwan is clear, Grandma Wang said that if matchmaking becomes popula

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  However, these people didnt care about so many people. They saw a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old walking out with a big knife on his shoulder and a ferocious look on his face. Without saying a word, he directly shouted to his men: "Brothers, do it!" I saw these people did not hesitate, took the weapons in their hands, shouted and killed the officers and soldiers. This time, these soldiers were completely frightened. This was an army of bandits and rogues that had jumped out from somewhere.

  "Zheng Changgong." Wen Nuan shook his head, "Ive never heard of it." Wu Yong explained, "Its normal for the lady not to have heard of it. Even I, a person who was unfamiliar with this person before, just recently because of this martial arts competition, I just went to investigate and found that he is low-key and mysterious. Although he is the president, he rarely shows up in the alliance to resolve disputes."