- Home - Yeovil Community Church

Description: Welcome to YCC, we are so glad you are here. We meet as a church on Sunday mornings online and in person. Every week we also meet together in small groups and prayer meetings. Head down to the Gateway, grab a drink in the coffee shop, or come along to one of our

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Community is best worked out in a small group. These are places we can share whats going on and make sure that no one is alone, if you are not in a group – join in.

If you would like the opportunity to speak by phone with someone who can listen and offer some support we have a form you can complete and we will get in touch.

We are spending the first 40 Days of 2024 in Prayer, if you would like to receive our daily devotionals to your inbox click on the button below. We hope you can join us at one of our prayer meetings online or in the building, click here for more information.