Description: Póster en contra del uso de drones en la guerra | Anti war drone poster
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Project made in 2013. Obama has assumed the Bush Administration’s legacy of drone wars. The use of drones to commit executions, without a fair trail, is a direct violation of Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as numerous other constitutions and declarations throughout the world.
Classified documents suggest that the White House it is sometimes unsure of who exactly it’s targeting with killer drones abroad and has acknowledged that innocent civilians have been killed by drone attacks.
During a key speech defending his administration’s use of targeted drone killings, President Obama defended the CIA’s drone program as a “legal,” “lethal,” and “effective” counterterrorism tool, while at the same time acknowledging some civilian casualties.