yhwhsflatearth.com - YHWHS Flat and Stationary Earth

Description: YHWHsFlatEarth.com is a site developed to return His children back to the doctrines of the holy scriptures. Using mathematics, physics and abstract thought our website will prove the earth is flat and the globe is a Satanic anti-biblical lie.

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Messiah was led up to a high mountain to be shown all the kingdoms of the world. This would only be possible upon YHWH's Flat and Stationary earth. ​ Reading Mattityahu 4:8 Again, Hasatan takes Yahushua HaMoshiach to a very high mountain and shows him all the mamlechot (kingdoms) of the Olam Hazeh and the kavod (glory) of them. 9 And Hasatan said to Melech Yahushua HaMoshiac, All these things I will give to you, if you will fall down VTISHTACHAVEH (and you will bow down to [DEVARIM 5:9]) me. 10. THen Melech

Chicago skyline is seen from Milwaukee which is, 60 miles away. The Philly skyline can be seen from over 50 miles away in Indiana.  This should be impossible to see because the curvature of the earth.  The formula from the spherical geometry for the curvature, drop down on the 'globe' is mile squared times 8 inches. So 11.8 x 11.8 x 8 = 1113.92 inches.  That's 28.29 meters. So, there should be a 28-meter drop down on the distance of 19 km, but, we see no curvature. The water is flat from Indiana to Chicago,

 This FE map shows the ice rim that holds the water in place.  The Sun and the moon hurry about the flat and stationary earth.  Click the two photos to take the $5,000 flat earth challenge.  ​ We are offering $1,000.00 for the first person who will scientifically refute  YahwehsFlatEarth.com using observable science. 

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