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Just read this article about Apple’s new Macbook and how there will only be one USB-C port. My first reaction was that it was a ridiculous idea. Upon further reflection, I can see where it would work well but I still think Apple my have jumped the gun. Since USB-C can charge, send video out and transport data, I see using a USB-C hub as a computer dock so the computer can be moved around easy and plugged in with one cord. The problem is if you are going somewhere that doesn’t have a usb hub setup so you hav

I finished presenting my PhD proposal (Wet Anisotropic Etching of Nano-scale Features with Controlled Geometry for Ultra-Capacitors) to my committee this week! It went better than I expected since I was very nervous. Now I just need to finish the work, get my degree, and then start work. I am looking forward to the change in job.

George Takei’s posts on facebook are almost always entertaining. Today’s was no exception since it lead me to 31 Useful Gadgets That Might Even Change Your Life . The list included some interesting gadgets/products or items with great ornamental themes. The product that I found most intriguing is the moodINQ Programmable Tattoo System . Several years ago, I had thought about a similar idea but I had wanted a programmable chip under my skin as well so that the tattoo could continuously update to create anima