yin-yu.github.io - Yu Yin's Homepage

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Yu Yin &nbsp (印宇) Ph.D. candidate Department of ECE, College of Engineering Northeastern University, Boston, USA    Email (yin.yu1[at]northeastern.edu)    GitHub    Linkedin What's New [2023.05] I will be joining the Department of Computer and Data Science at Case Western Reserve University ( CWRU ) as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor from Fall 2023! [2023.04] We will organize The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures ( AMFG ) at ICCV 2023. [2023.04] I received th

NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-shot Real Image Animation Yu Yin , Kamran Ghasedi, HsiangTao Wu, Jiaolong Yang, Xin Tong, and Yun Fu CVPR, 2023 Abstract arXiv Webpage Demo Code × NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-shot Real Image Animation Nerf-based Generative models have shown impressive capacity in generating high-quality images with consistent 3D geometry. Despite successful synthesis of fake identity images randomly sampled from latent space, adopting th

Yu Yin &nbsp (印宇) Assistant Professor Department of Computer and Data Sciences Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA    Email (yu.yin[at]case.edu)    GitHub    Linkedin What's New [2023.09] Our paper on deepfake detection is accepted by ICDM 2023 . [2023.05] I will be joining the Department of Computer and Data Science at Case Western Reserve University ( CWRU ) as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor from Fall 2023! [2023.04] We will organize The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Mod

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