yitongdeng.github.io - Yitong Deng

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My research interests lie in computer graphics and physics simulation. In particular, I seek to build elegant computational methods that align mathematical insights with discrete system designs to efficiently simulate various fascinating natural phenomena. I received my M.S. from Dartmouth College, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Bo Zhu . Prior to that, I received my B.A. summa cum laude from Colby College with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Music.

Learning Vortex Dynamics For Fluid Inference and Prediction ICLR 2023 Yitong Deng , Hong-Xing Yu, Jiajun Wu, and Bo Zhu [ paper ] [ webpage ] [ video ]

A Moving Eulerian-Lagrangian Particle Method for Thin Film and Foam Simulation SIGGRAPH 2022 Yitong Deng , Mengdi Wang, Xiangxin Kong, Shiying Xiong, Zangyueyang Xian, and Bo Zhu [ paper ] [ webpage ] [ video ]

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