- Youcancallme Truman

Description: Vincenzo Giannattasio Creative Director, Graphic designer, Ideas Originator, Digital enthusiast

design (78686) graphic design (25806) illustration (16528) digital (15654) creative (15408) logo (11378) poster (1990) ideas (1605) truman (23) vincenzo giannattasio (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Youcancallme Truman My parents registered me as Vincenzo Giannattasio. I was born the year Time Magazine named the COMPUTER as Man of the Year, the emoticons were created ;), John Belushi died of overdose at 33, Michael Jackson released Thriller and Italy won the World Cup. At the age of 16, while watching The Truman Show, a friend of mine decided that from that day on my name would have been Truman. So let it be. Creative director - Graphic Designer - Ideas originator - Digital enthusiast