- Young Academy | a platform for emerging creators, advertising professionals, and innovative brands alike. Based in Prague, Czech

Description: We foster an open dialogue between generations of creators with a focus on craft and storytelling in advertising. Apply for the Directors Workshop by 24 February 2022 and get a chance to work with a generous budget in an acclaimed production house with a professional crew and state-of-the-art equipment. Acquire new skills, receive feedback, and grow your network of industry peers. Young Academy was previously known as Young Directors, a competition for up-and-coming advertising directors. Young Academy is o

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workshop Aktivní imaginace s Jakubem Zlámaným | 18. kvÄ›tna 2023 Praha Více o workshopu

news How can the active imagination method according to C.G. Jung help in a creative crisis? Talk with psychologist and psychotherapist Jakub Zlámaný

news Gaming environment as an artistic medium? Talk with Total Refusal