- Registered Psychologist - Home Page

Description: Specialists in reporting to the Courts as expert witness psychologists, & in assessing learning styles and learning difficulties to support those with specific learning difficulties & dyslexia.

expert witness (918) child psychologist (181) registered psychologist (60) educational psychologist (44) expert witness psychologist (20) consultant educational psychologist (20) independent psychologist (20) independent expert witness report (20) independent registered psychologist (20) independent educational psychologist. (20)

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More information? Tel: 0844 357 8309 Post:, Box42 Group, St Helens. WA10 3BF  Email: [email protected]

We can help you with: Getting Unstuck SEND Provision Negotiations with Schools and Local Authorities Advice for EHC Plans Developmental Concerns Diagnosis of Conditions

We are highly experienced in assessing and reporting for: