- Living Your 3rd Act to It's Fullest

Description: Certified Wellness and Coaching Professional Carol Ebert with years of experience will help you find your hidden potential and give you all the necessary tools for you to be all you can be and do all you want to do in your Third Act.

healthy aging (73) aging gracefully (14) looking younger (2) your third act (2)

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Log In Carol Ebert Helps You Live "Your 3rd Act" to It's Fullest Take Control of Your Future Re-Imagine Your Life YES -  it can happen for you  and I'm the right person to help you achieve it.  As a Certified Wellness and Coaching Professional  with years of experience, my mission is to help you  find  your hidden potential  and give you all the necessary tools t o be all you can be and do all you want to do in your 3rd Act of life.

Wellness Specialist and Business Entrepreneur Carol Ebert is a creative force for education and wellness.  Her career began in nursing but her vision was more aligned with prevention than treatment, so she shifted to wellness, her true passion. 

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