- Your Neighbour is God | Social questions for a better world

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What would you do? What would you not do? You will probably not fall on your knees for the woman or man next door to adore them as a deity… But sometimes you do indeed have to fall on your knees to help another human being in need. Jesus said that whatever you do for someone who is hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick, or imprisoned, you do to him! (Mt 25:35-36). But how do you do this in practice? The book Your neighbour is GOD will help you to apply Jesus’ message of love in your daily life.

The origin of Your Neighbour is GOD lies in questions that you will be asking yourself. Each of the questions in the book has been asked by young and not so young people from around the world. The answers give you a great overview of the social teaching of the Church about these and many more themes:

Environment & Animal rights