- Your Next Executive Director

Description: I'm looking for a new chance to lead--a lever with which to move the world. Do you need me?

excellence (774) executive director (63)

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I like to lead. I have led ten projects over the last twenty-five years--one lasted seven years. I am good at leading. I can pull a team together, unite them behind a common purpose, and strengthen each member so that they can perform their best. 

When the earth moved in Haiti on January 12th, 2010, the lives of millions changed - including my own. Up until then my job was to run a small cross border conflict program. That project was ending and I was starting to work on finding a new job. But when the earthquake happened,. I didn't hesitate. Within 24 hours of the earthquake, I crossed into Haiti with the first of the relief supplies. Within a week, I had taken over not just our relief operations, but the whole country office--150 employees and six

I leaned in and worked hard. I rallied my team and pushed everyone to move forward. We developed a logistics chain and brought in 50 containers of relief supplies, restarted and accelerated all of our projects, and found new money to expand our operations.

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